Get your home market ready with these tips from qualified interior designers who specialise in staging and styling homes for sale.

With years of experience presenting properties for the market with our property styling and home staging services, we now have an in-depth understanding of what buyers actually look for in a home. To assist you with your own property preparations we have listed our top 5 tips to prepare your home for the competitive real estate market!

Make your entryway shine!

You’ve all heard of first impressions when it comes to the people you meet… apply that to prospective buyers who will criticise every single detail of your home!

Give inspectors something to remember instantly as they approach your property. A clean, simply styled and bright entry way will allow buyers to develop an emotional connection to the home before they even step inside! We would recommend styling with a simple console, a few complimentary homewares pieces and a mirror hung, centred on the wall above, giving the space even more light.


One of the easiest and most affordable ways to give your home a makeover before entering the market is to give it a fresh coat of paint! Keep your colour selection neutral. As well as a fresh coat of bright white on the ceilings.

Small Fixes

Whatever small fixes you have around the house that you just haven’t got to over the years. Now is the time! Yes, they may seem like minor imperfections to you, but to a home buyer they could be their deciding factor about investing their money into another home.


De-clutter and de-personalise every space! Don’t give buyers the opportunity to become distracted looking at family photos from your overseas holiday or Christmas with the family. Keep our homeware and accessory pieces that will accentuate and help the best features of the home shine.


Clean like you’ve never cleaned before! Clean like you’re a nesting mother preparing her home for her new baby, or if that sounds too scary to live through again, hire someone to do the job for you!

Go as far as de-cluttering your wardrobe spaces if you are living in the home while it is for sale. Only keep the clothes you absolutely need out in display and hang and fold them nicely. Yes, this is extreme, but it could be the difference between a potential buyer making an offer or walking away.

Our very last piece of advice we can offer you is to consider reaching out to a professional property staging company. Allow a team of experienced designers to furnish, re-style and modernise your home. With a quick turn around and options to work within a budget, property staging services might be just what your home needs to give it an edge in this competitive market!

Article by Tailored Space Interiors